Veterinary services

Veterinary and animal protection services for Tornio, Kemi, Keminmaa, Simo and Tervola.

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Veterinary and animal protection services

Meri-Lappi Environment Services provide veterinary emergency and basic health care services for livestock, horses and pets in the cities of Tornio and Kemi and the municipalities Tervola, Simo and Keminmaa.

Appointments are issued for the same day in urgent cases and as soon as possible in other matters. Patients are treated on weekdays within office hours (8 am–3 pm). Urgent cases outside office hours and on weekends are treated by emergency services (see emergency services).

Telephone services

Booking for sick calls, farm calls and appointments and telephone counseling on weekday mornings between 8–9 am at the phone number 0600 19030.

The number may be contacted at other times in urgent cases. If the veterinarian is unavailable, please leave a message and you will receive a call back. Please do not attempt to contact the veterinarian number by text message, as the message may be lost due to a disconnected phone or call forwarding to another number.

Emergency services

Emergency services outside office hours are intended for cases that require urgent care. Telephone counseling services and other non-emergency matters are handled during standard office hours.

Calls are forwarded to the phone number of the on-call veterinarian.

For emergency veterinary services, call 0600 19030. This number is subject to a charge.

Tornio clinic

Kivirannantie 3, Tornio
Tel. 0600 19030