The new series of exhibitions highlights artists who haven’t had much attention
The Aine Art Museum starts new series of temporary exhibitions. FOKUS completes art museum’s yearly exhibition program which contains 3-4 temporary exhibitions and two collection exhibitions. FOKUS is located at the art museum’s lobby and it’s always free to see.
During the year of 2023 the theme in the FOKUS series is artists who haven’t had much attention and women’s position in north of Finland’s visual art. Exhibitions presents works from the Aine Art Museum, the Aine Pictorial Art Foundation and Kemi Art Museum collections.
The first exhibition concentrated to Ilta Sorro’s (1911-2006) works from the Aine Pictorial Art Foundation and Kemi Art Museum collections.
The second exhibition concentrated to Christina Snellman’s (1928-2014) works from the the Aine Pictorial Art Foundation and Kemi Art Museum collections.
The third exhibition concentrated to Helinä Wähä’s (1925-2013) works from the Aine Pictoral Art Foundation collection and private collection.
The last exhibition concentrated to Annikki Luukela’s (1944) works from the Aine Art Museum and Kemi Art Museum collections.
Few works of Helinä Wähä from the exhibition:

The series of exhibitions in-collaboration:
Aineen Taidemuseon Ystävät ry. and Suomalaisen Naisliiton Tornion yhdistys
Thank you Kari Mattila foundation, Yrjö Sirola foundation.